Sorry for those who are following my blog or reading it, but I haven't had a time to post anything recently so I would like to take this time to tell you about what has been happening to me here at Fuchu!!
First of all, the semester has ended. My John class overall went well, and Yuko, Chala, and Aya were able graduate safely this semester. Right now all of the students and interns (except Chala, Yuko, and Naoko) went back so it's a bit sad not having a lot of people here at the house. My best friend Josh also went back to the states too, and he's planning to come back, but still unsure of when he will be able to, so for me that's another sad news. But I know that God has a huge plan for him, so I am not that worried.
As for WeGoEigo, it is going great. The new school year has been started and there are now more kids than before. It is growing! I like all of the new kids that comes and it is very refreshing to me to just be able to play with the kids.
Praise God!
Well, that is about it. But I do not have a busy schedule as before, so I will try to post little by little to keep you guys updated!