Thursday, September 29, 2011

getting colder...

well, fall is here, and the weather is changing. I personally like the summer, the heat, rather than the cool air. The people here is saying that it's cool and nice, but to me it's cold. I even wear a jacket now haha
but it will get colder as we move forward to winter time...i need to get a thick jacket than...


Monday, September 26, 2011

WWW (Whenever, Wherever, Worship)

After Youth Fun Day, Mariko Miyagi came up with the idea for any Christians to gather at CCFuchu to come and just have a time of worship. Not many people came, but people gathered, brought their instruments, and we just jammed. It was a great time just to gathered together in the name of Jesus, and to praise His name with the gifts that He has given to us.


Megumi & Logan J. 恵&ローガン・J

Lewis&Aki&Hitomi ルイス&あき&ひとみ

Zach ザック

Saturday Youth Fun day!

At CCFuchu they have a saturday youth fun day, like once a month. The youth (mainly the Miwa familys) come and play games at the church and just a time of hanging out. And normally they have a short message, but this time I had the opportunity to share my testimony to the youths who came. It was a blessed time for me, as I was able to get to know the youths and to encourage them through my testimony.
Also the youths bought birthday present for Rich (his birthday is on the 29th) and had a little small celebration too.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Another bike day

Today me and Caroline went on to another bike ride adventure in Fuchu. This time we went to Fuchu Station area. But before we went on to our adventure, Caroline made a wonderful breakfast! It was amazing!!


Toast, egg, mashrooms, salad, rice, and jalapeno thingy!!

After breakfast we headed to the Fuchu Station. The first place we stopped by was the 100yen store. There Caroline bought some stuff as a souvenior gift to her family.


Than we met up with Rich, Candice, Zach, Lewis, Kumiko, and Mariko for lunch, Sushi Roll! I only ate six plates, because my stomach was still full from breakfast. It was a nice lunch time fellowship!


Zach looks bloated lol ザックが太ってるように見える(笑

After lunch, me and Caroline went back to Fuchu Station to look around more. And when we were about to ride back to church, Caroline spotted a puppet show! It was cute, and some of the little kids got scared of it haha

昼を食べた後、またキャロラインと府中駅に戻りました。教会に戻るときに、キャロラインがパペット劇をしている人を見つけたので、それをちょっと見ました。とても可愛い劇で、周りにいた子供たちは猫のパペットを恐れていた・・・(( ̄◇ ̄;)ガーン

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Birthday Party!!

Today we had a boy, Ryougo, who turned five today! So at the school we had a little birthday party for him! May God continue to grow him and guide his life.

Happy Birthday Ryougo!!

Game night!

On Monday, due to Japanese holiday (Respect for the Aged Day), so there was no school. So in the evening some of us gathered together for a good ol' BBQ and board games, and also Ping-Pong. It was a really good time of fellowship and a great time of laughter (as we played charade).


Can you guess what they are trying to act out?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Biking around town

Caroline, from Hawaii, is here for a short time helping at the church right now. And she wanted to see around town today (because it was a holiday, so no school), so we went biking around town.
First we went toward one of the park called Nogawa, than to a neighborhood area around Koganei, than we stopped at Denny's and ate breakfast, than we went through the graves (Tama-reien), and back to the church area, than to another park called Musashino, and all the way around the Ajinomoto Stadium, than back to the church. It was a fun ride!


野川公園の川 Nogawa Park's river (creek?)

野川公園  Nogawa Park

小金井ら辺 Around Koganei

The Aircraft Hangar at Musashino Park

モデル Model

キャロライン  Caroline

木 tree

Board games!

I'm like addicted to it now...playing these games with Candice and Caroline. Candice always wins, but it is still fun to play!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Gakudou! After school thingy where I play with the kids from three till when the parents come pick the kids up.


2 year anniversary

9/11 marks the 2 year anniversary of CCFuchu!
So at the church, Pastor Rich had an 2 year anniversary party/outreach on Sunday evening. Most of the moms that comes to the Pre-School here is unsaved. And on Sunday evening, many of the moms (and their children) came.
The CCFuchu worship team played couple of worship songs, Candice danced hula to "Come just as you are", and the friend of the Miwa family, Misa, came and played songs. Also Pastor Rich shared short version of his testimony. It was a great time!


CC府中の賛美チームは賛美を何曲か演奏してくれて、キャンディスは"Come just as you are"の曲に合わせてフラダンスをしてくれて、美和家族の友達のみささんもギターを演奏しに来てくれました。それと、リッチ牧師は彼の証(ショートヴァージョン)を分かち合ってくれました。とても楽しい時となりました!

Men's Breakfast and Bowling fellowship

On Saturday the 10th, at Calvary Chapel Fuchu, we had the Men's breakfast. At the breakfast, Zach had the opportunity to teach/share from the Bible, and he encouraged each of us (the men of course) of our duty for the Lord. In which, before we can minister unto the Lord, we first need to cleanse ourselves.


Afterwards I went back to the apartment and took a nap haha

But in the evening, me, Zach, Pastor Rich, Yasutomo, and Yuuki went to Round 1 to have fellowship time. At Round 1, instead of paying lots of money to do Spo-cha, we bowled. I did not do so well, but Pastor Rich had an awesome score! (197!!!).
I was not used to bowling more than two games (we bowled SIX games!!!), so my arm was very tired...But I had a lot of fun!
でも、土曜の夕方は自分と、ザック、リッチ牧師、やすともとゆうきとRound 1で交わりの時間を過ごしました。スポチャではなく、皆でボーリングをしました。高点は取れなかったけど、楽しいときとなりました。リッチ牧師の高点は何と197!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Birthday Party!

In August, there was no school, so yesterday we celebrated these three kids birthday at the school. It was Teruki, Misaki, and Yuuna's birthday party!
Misaki and Yuuna's mom brought in the birthday cake, and Rich and Candice bought them a birthday present.
Teruki got cars, Misaki got princess dress set, and Yuuna got a oven-cooking toy (which possibly can make actual food).
The kids enjoyed the birthday party, and so did I. haha

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


So yesterday night, I made curry. But the time I made the curry was at 21:30! (9:30p.m). The reason why I made it so late was that I was helping at the church, preparing for the craft that we made today. I went back to the house around nine, but I had to go to the supermarket to buy ingredients for the curry. And curry was done about 22:30 (10:30). So I had a late dinner. But I was able to take some for bento today.

昨晩カレーを作った。でも作った時間は何と、21:30 (夜9:30)。遅く作った理由は教会で今日作った工作の準備をしていたからさ。家に帰ったのは九時、でも近くのスーパーでカレーの材料を買いに行ったから、作るのが遅くなった。で、カレーを作り終えたのが22:30(夜10:30)。遅い時間の夕飯。でも、カレーを多く作ったから、今日の弁当にしました!

Monday, September 5, 2011

first day of school!

So finally, at CCFuchu, the school has officially began today! To me, the day went quick, and it felt the same as summer school. But comparing it to summer school, there was less kids, and I mean LESS kids. haha


Lunch Time! 昼ごはん!

Story time 本読み時間!


hanging with Tatsu

On Thursday night, Tatsuhiko came over to the apartment and spend that night. And the following day, me, Zach, and Tatsuhiko went to Fuchu Station and hanged out. For all of us, it was the first time going and looking around the place. It was confusing at first, but in the end it all worked out.
And for lunch, we went out to Yokohama Ramen joint that was near the station. The taste...Amazing!


Sunday, September 4, 2011

five day loneliness?

Today Zach left to Hong Kong for the Asia missionary conference. He will be heading up worship with Michael Snider. So as he is gone for about five days, I will be alone at the house.
Please pray for Zach, Michael, and also Pastor Tommy as they are in Hong Kong
