Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Aogu and Rin are twins, and they turned eleven years old on February 13th, their Birthday! But due to school on Friday, we celebrated their birthday on the 14th (Which was on Valentine's day). We went to the park and held a great birthday celebration afterwards.
Aogu and Rin said they had a great time during the party.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Three "Bears"

It was sad to see Sosimo, Daniel, and Rob leave the Island. But they are not leaving Okinwa because they hate it, but to go and minister to other part of the world. As Jesus have commanded all of us to "go", they took their departure to a different location.

Sosimo and Daniel went to Korea and they will be training and ministering to the people. Rob went to mainland Japan, Wakayama. Rob, not only went to minister to the mainland people, but also he went there to play baseball (His dream). By the grace of God, he was able to join in the team in Wakayama, which is one of the small team of the Kansai Independant Baseball League.
Please keep them in your prayers. m(_ _ )m

Nago area

Nago is the northern part of Okinawa and there are many old okinawan houses that can been seen today. Most areas are covered by mountains and forests. Heres some picture of more nature in Okinawa!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today I had the opportunity to go to one of the university in Okinawa, Ryukyu Daigaku (also known as RyuDai) for English class call MELT. MELT stands for My English Lunch Time, and the students who attends RyuDai comes to the classroom while eating lunch. And at the same time that they eat lunch, they have the opportunity to learn english.

Normally, Tim Newell is the person who teaches, but due to the recording of the Hakugaijin CD, he was unable to teach. So taking his place, Roy Toma taught english to the students. It was fun.


The layout that I had previously was the same as the one on "e3mission" so i decided to change it eventhough I really liked it.....
But anyways, to know what is happening in Okinawa at the Calvary Chapel Ginowan, go to

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Nature in Okinawa

There are great natures that you can see and feel, here in Okinawa. I like to take pictures, but not of people, but of nature. I think that I have some good skills at taking photos, but I would let you guys decide. ( ーωー)b
Oh...also right now it's the cherryblossom season here in Okinawa. It's quiet fast than the main land Japan, due to the difference in the weather.

English Students

Right now I teach English, every Saturday noon, to two Japanese children, Rin and Aogu Nakaza. They are the kids of Reiko-san, who comes to Calvary Chapel Ginowan. I met the two when I was helping the teacher in the Sunday School translating. They were both shy at first, but now we are close friends.
And I also teach English to Reiko-san, and what do you know, I teach her whole family! What a blessing! After class, we go to the park and hang around most of the time.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Welcome to Tokito's Corner!

Good afternoon everybody! Welcome to the new edition of Tokito in Tokito's Corner. Here you will find Toki's thoughts on various subjects, such as...wolves and English, and maybe even Japanese. Enter into the depths of Toki's mind every time he has a thought by subscribing to his RSS feed. We hope that you will enjoy Tokito's Corner, and we look forward to sharing his deep, quite, kind of mumbled thoughts with you.