Tuesday, October 28, 2014


えーと、10月11日にウィーゴーとCCICS小学校の共同運動会がありました。今回は場所を変え、違う所で行われたにも関わらず、とても楽しい一日になりました。今回プエオクラスの子供達の競争感がすごく伝わり、見ていた子供も大人も 熱くなりました(それとも太陽の熱で熱くなっていたのかな?)。

ummm....On October 11th, we had our annual Sports Day, but this time it was WeGoEigo Preschool and CCICS elementary's combined Sports Day.  Even though, this time, we changed the place from our usual place, we had a fun day.  This time, the Pueo class' competition was a passionate one, that even just watching them made them hot, or was it the heat from the sun?  

WARNING:  Pictures are not in order.

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