Monday, July 16, 2012

Goya Champuru

I made Goya Champuru on Friday and took it to the Friday night Bible study. I was planning to make it Thursday night for dinner, but I didn't have time, so I was like, lets just take it to church! Now, when I make food, I like to hear the response of the people who eats it. And when I made it, I tasted it, and it was DELICIOUS!! so when I took it to the Bible study, I told the people, before they ate it, that this goya champuru is delicious so make sure you eat it. haha. But I got a good response from the people who ate it, and the suprising thing is that Rich also ate it (well I told him to eat it so I can take a picture for the blog, haha). But overall it was a delicious dinner!!


"Okay, I'm gonna eat it."


"Not bad"

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