Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Josh, Jonathan, and Anna's graduation

(Jonathan Piper, Anna Hebel, me, Joshua Brevick, Asa Ruiz)

Well the Bible College has ended now, but this semester my best friend Josh graduated from the Bible College, along with my new best friend Jonathan Piper, and a good friend from Germany, Anna Hebel!

I am so proud of these three for graduating and am happy that I was able to attend their graduation ceremony.

Josh and Anna came to the Okinawa campus two years ago (the summer of 2009). For Josh, I think it was difficult for him to keep up with homework, quizzes, and tests, but God gave him the strength to finish this year. For Anna, her first language is German, so to come to a campus where its Japanese and English, I think that might have been the toughest for her. But God continue to protect her and she was able to finish!

Now, this semester was my first time meeting with Jon (Jonathan Piper). At first I was afraid just to talk with him for some reason, but throughout the semester I was able to get to know him. He too had some conflicts with his classes and work, but as he was just being obedient towards God, he too was able to finish!

I am so proud of all three of them! And for those who are reading this blog, please pray for them that God will give them a vision and a guidance to the next step of faith that they will be taking.

I know that Anna and Josh, most likely, serving here at the Okinawa campus.
For Jon, he is thinking of coming back to Japan to serve, but still not quite sure.

I love you all, and Praise God for His awesome work that He has completed in you guys!
Remember to be obedient in the next work that He will be starting in your life!

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