Wednesday, August 3, 2011


At CCO (calvary chapel Okinawa) they had a VBS (vacation Bible School). The team of the VBS was "Inside-out and Upside-down". It talked about the view of the world versus the view of God, or in another word what the world would think, Jesus teaches us differently.
The VBS was for five days and I was able to be involved for the whole five days of it.

But for me, I was the big guy. The reason being is that I was in charge of the teaching time to the Japanese kids. It was fun and all, teaching the kids, but at the same time tiring.
The teaching was on "Gratitude", "Compassion", "Forgiveness", "Grace", and "Faithfulness".

the world will tell you to "complain", but Jesus teaches us to have a "thankful heart"
the world will tell you to "be angry to another person", but Jesus teaches us to forgive others.
the world will tell you to "be selfish/ only think about yourself", but Jesus teaches us to use what we have for God.

It really was a fruitful event (at least for me).

(Taishi, Thomas, me)

my favorite CCO kids!

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