Today me and Caroline went on to another bike ride adventure in Fuchu. This time we went to Fuchu Station area. But before we went on to our adventure, Caroline made a wonderful breakfast! It was amazing!!
Toast, egg, mashrooms, salad, rice, and jalapeno thingy!!
After breakfast we headed to the Fuchu Station. The first place we stopped by was the 100yen store. There Caroline bought some stuff as a souvenior gift to her family.
Than we met up with Rich, Candice, Zach, Lewis, Kumiko, and Mariko for lunch, Sushi Roll! I only ate six plates, because my stomach was still full from breakfast. It was a nice lunch time fellowship!
Zach looks bloated lol ザックが太ってるように見える(笑
After lunch, me and Caroline went back to Fuchu Station to look around more. And when we were about to ride back to church, Caroline spotted a puppet show! It was cute, and some of the little kids got scared of it haha
昼を食べた後、またキャロラインと府中駅に戻りました。教会に戻るときに、キャロラインがパペット劇をしている人を見つけたので、それをちょっと見ました。とても可愛い劇で、周りにいた子供たちは猫のパペットを恐れていた・・・(( ̄◇ ̄;)ガーン