Sunday, August 19, 2012

VBS (Vacation Bible School)

From August 14th & 15th, at CCFuchu we had our VBS. But this time the VBS was a little bit different in a way that we had a sleepover as an addition to it. The first day we planned to go to the pool, but the weather was rainy. But Pastor Rich stepped out in faith and said that we were still going to the pool, and if the weather gets worse once we get there we would head back, but God is able to do anything, so let's just go! and we did. And God was good, that He held back the rain, and we were able to take the kids to the pool and have an awesome time with them. Pastor Rich shared about the story of Noah, and personally, I think it was a fitting story for this VBS.


After we came back from the pool, we went back to the church and the kids who were staying for the sleepover got ready for shower and dinner. After everyone was settled and was ready for bed, we watched Hoodwinked.


The next morning, we went to Hamura Zoo. The weather was still cloudy and looked like it was going to rain, but once again we stepped out in faith and went to the zoo. And by God's grace, it did not rain at all, but it cleared up!! We had a great time just being able to share more about God's faithfulness to the kids through the story of Noah, and just being able to spend the day with them. God bless.


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